Victoria's animal emblem has a plan, but Leadbeater’s Possum habitat still being logged


Victoria's animal emblem has a plan, but Leadbeater’s Possum habitat still being logged 
The Greens have welcomed the release of the new Recovery Plan for Victoria's animal emblem, the critically endangered Leadbeater's Possum, but say the plan must go hand-in-hand with an end to logging of their habitat.
"The Recovery Plan states that logging is a major threat to the Leadbeater's Possum and out of all the threats to this precious animal, this one is firmly in our control," said Senator Rice, Greens federal spokesperson for forests.
"We can make a choice to protect our Victorian animal emblem's habitat, or we can continue the unsustainable, economically unviable clearfell logging of the forest that the animals depend on," said Senator Rice.
"Any plan that's serious about protecting Leadbeater's Possum must include a plan to stop logging in the Central Highlands," said Victorian Greens MP Samantha Dunn, state spokesperson for forests.
"The best way to ensure the survival of the Leadbeater's Possum is to create the Great Forest National Park."

Media contact for Senator Rice: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935