WestConnex Audit slams federal government process


The Australian National Audit Office has released its report into Commonwealth funding of the WestConnex project. The report looks into whether appropriate steps were taken to protect the Commonwealth's interests and obtain value for money in relation to the $3.5 billion in Commonwealth funding committed to WestConnex.

NSW Greens spokesperson on WestConnex and Member for Newtown Jenny Leong:

"The report shows that the rationale for funding this project was deeply deficient. It points the finger at both the Liberal Coalition and Labor, because they were pushing the WestConnex project well before even an initial business case was presented to the appropriate government departments," says Ms Leong.

"The cost of WestConnex has now blown out considerably. This is what happens when politicians make up policy during an election cycle and flaunt proper process. As Labor's Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese committed millions to nothing more than an idea, this was then progressed when the Abbott Government came to power and Infrastructure Minister Warren Truss continued to push it through despite warnings.

"In December 2014 the then NSW Auditor General Grant Hehir raised serious concerns about the governance, finance and independence of the initial WestConnex Business Case. Now in his role as the national Auditor General he has again rung the alarm bells loud and clear. The report puts in print some very uncomfortable facts about WestConnex, things that the community has suspected for years.

"The Report shows that key milestones were fudged to ensure the money kept on flowing. There has been an appalling lack of probity and good governance throughout the life of this project. Proper process has been compromised all along the way.
"There is now no option but for the Premier to step in and re-evaluate this project. The community concerns continue to grow, the damning evidence that things are being rushed through and planned on the run can no longer be ignored.

Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon:

"The Greens called for this audit because we knew that the concessional loan stunk, and we knew that the project fell well short of the rigorous and independent planning that enormous infrastructure investments like this require."

Greens Federal spokesperson for Transport Senator Janet Rice:

"The toll road agenda is failing across the country. The Greens stand with the community to demand responsible transport answers, not just more spaghetti junctions."

Media Release Transport and Infrastructure