‘Why don’t we just get on with it?’ asks man who’s dragged out the plebiscite debate for three weeks


‘Why don’t we just get on with it?’ asks man who’s dragged out the plebiscite debate for three weeks
The Greens have called on Labor to stop playing politics with the lives of LGBTIQ Australians and rule out supporting a plebiscite on marriage equality.
“Talk of a plebiscite has gone on for long enough,” said the Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“Mr Shorten says he wants to ‘get on with it’, but we’ve been waiting for weeks to find out his party’s position on a marriage equality plebiscite.
“Labor must stop playing politics and rule out this divisive opinion poll now.
“We can have wedding bells ringing by the end of the year with a free vote in the Parliament.
“Let’s really get on with it.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935