The winner on the night was people who didn't watch: Greens


Quotes attributable to Leader of the Victorian Greens, Samantha Ratnam MLC:

“The real winners on Tuesday night were the people who didn’t watch. With “debates” like this, it’s no wonder people are turning away from the major parties.

“People are rightly fed up with watching two men sling mud over integrity while both parties are being investigated by IBAC.

“Almost 1 in 3 Victorians rent. Renters are facing the toughest tenancy market in our state’s history with competition so high and rents skyrocketing, and yet neither Labor nor Liberals have announced a single election commitment to help renters. Not one.

"Labor hasn’t made a single election commitment on housing, and the two failed ideas being reheated by the Liberals would actually drive house prices up and give developers big profits.

“The argument over gas was absurd considering both Labor and the Liberals are committed to opening up new gas in Victoria, with Federal Labor this week confirming another $32 million of public money to drill off Golden Beach in Gunnai Country.

“Victorians deserve a true contest of ideas from a range of leaders, on the public broadcaster, with actual accountability on their solution to the problems of climate change and housing affordability.”