Young unemployed need better transport options


A new report highlighting the transport challenges faced by young unemployed Australians is a wakeup call for the Turnbull government to urgently address the shortage of public transport in regional and outer suburban areas, say the Greens.
“Australia is meant to be the land of the ‘fair go’, but many young Australians are being left behind because of where they live and whether they can afford to run a car,” said the Australian Greens spokesperson for transport and infrastructure Senator Janet Rice.
“Young people are searching everywhere for a kick-start to their careers but are crying out for proper support from governments, including decent transport infrastructure.”
The Brotherhood of St Laurence’s U-Turn: The Transport Woes of Australia’s Young Jobseekers report shows that of unemployed people aged 15 to 24, a quarter say access to transport is a key barrier for not being able to find employment, and 61 per cent lack a driver’s licence.
“Getting a job shouldn’t be reliant on having a driver licence and a car to drive. That is a massive unnecessary and expensive barrier to work for young jobseekers,” said Senator Rice.
“The Turnbull government must stop their continuation of Tony Abbott’s roads ideology and start funding the trains, trams and buses to get young people where they need to go.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935

Media ReleaseTransport and Infrastructure