Adjournment: Acland Street Pedestrian Mall, St Kilda


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Public Transport, and it refers to the plans to remove car traffic and car parking from Acland Street, St Kilda, between Belford and Barkly streets, which will be converted into a pedestrian mall. The route 96 tram terminus will be expanded from one track to two in that section of Acland Street, and a new Disability Discrimination Act 1992-compliant platform tram stop will be built. Construction of the Acland Street mall and the upgraded tram terminus is scheduled for the middle of this year. Acland Street will continue to be shared by trams and cars between Carlisle and Belford streets, allowing access to the car-parking areas behind Acland Street and adjacent to Luna Park.

The Greens support the plans to upgrade the Acland Street tram terminus to improve disability access and to remove cars from the Barkly Street end. This is in keeping with the Greens policy to prioritise public transport, and it is the growing trend in cities around the world. I agree with the mayor of the City of Port Phillip, Cr Bernadene Voss, that this is exciting for St Kilda and that the transformation of Acland Street would encourage more visitors, including people in wheelchairs, who currently cannot get to Acland Street by tram. She said the city had consulted with traders individually and that most supported the council's plan, despite the opposition of the traders association. I too have been contacted by opponents of the plan, but most people I have spoken to support it.

I do not agree with those who are calling for the stop to be moved from its current position at Barkly Street to Luna Park. That would mean breaking an existing public transport link between the route 96 tram and the buses that connect with it at Barkly Street — the route 600, route 923 and route 246 buses.

The Greens are advocating for more public transport routes to link with each other, not to remove existing links. I lived in Elwood for 12 years and regularly used those buses to get to the 96 tram at Barkly and Acland streets, as do thousands of commuters every day.

In terms of the plan for the upgraded terminus, concerns have been raised that people will be required to walk tens of metres from the current bus stop to the relocated tram terminus further up Acland Street. I also think there is scope to improve the bus stop going north at Acland and Barkly streets and even the stop going south across the road. The pedestrian crossing at Barkly and Acland streets could also be changed to operate in a similar way to the one at the T-intersection at Elizabeth and Flinders streets in the city, where people can cross in all directions on the green light.

My request to the minister is that she consult with Public Transport Victoria and Yarra Trams with a view to improving the bus stop and the link between the 96 tram and the buses, as part of the upgrade and construction of the mall, and that she also consult with VicRoads and the City of Port Philip regarding improving the pedestrian crossing at Acland and Barkly streets.

REPLY on 7 June 2016:


The Acland Street tram terminus upgrade is being undertaken by Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and Yarra Trams.

The new tram stop/terminus will improve accessibility and safety.

Yarra Trams and PTV will continue to work together on this important project.

I have asked PTV to monitor bus services once the tram is upgraded to identify whether further improvements to transport connections are required.