Adjournment - Calder Highway Ravenswood interchange


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety and is in relation to the VicRoads Ravenswood interchange project. The action I seek is that the minister halts the project to complete a proper environment effects statement (EES), rather than rely on a 2000 EES from the Jock Comini reserve section of the project, and that a contemporary environment effects statement considers the full scope of the environmental impacts of the project, including but not limited to the amount of trees and vegetation that will be affected by the project; the amount of vegetation loss from the project; the impact on the hydrology and water table from vegetation loss; the impact on salinity and erosion in the local area due to vegetation loss; whether any vegetation offsets will be located in the near vicinity of the project; and consideration of climate change impacts in terms of vegetation and carbon loss and ability for offsets to succeed into the future.

The loss of trees caused by the Ravenswood interchange project and the Jock Comini truck stop project is concentrated and extensive. In the case of the interchange, it will see 1874 trees removed, 320 of those trees being over 70 centimetres in diameter at chest height. In relation to the Comini project, it will see 625 trees removed, 25 of those trees being over 70 centimetres diameter at chest height. In total that is 2499 trees proposed to be removed as part of this project.

This landscape is unique, and the trees are genetically diverse and the last survivors of their kind. The red gum in this area is specific to the granite country and colloquially called the granite red gum. It is a remarkable area for yellow box. The removal of 400-year-old to 800-year-old trees is a tragedy. Long leaf grey box and yellow gum specimens are genetically unique too, and the habitat provided by these trees is irreplaceable.

In late 2015 the issue of tree losses at the Ravenswood interchange project site was drawn to the attention of the Bendigo Greens. As a result the Greens have had three meetings with VicRoads — on 19 and 30 November and 10 December 2015 — and ascertained the following in relation to the tree loss. They note that VicRoads staff have been obliging and informative, delivering background, design and environmental information as requested. The minister must act to ensure a proper environment effects statement is completed before we see such detrimental vegetation loss in the region.