Adjournment: Palais Theatre


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, and it relates to her role in signing off on the new lease for the operation of the Palais Theatre in St Kilda. The process leading up to this impending decision has been in train since 2014. Earlier this year the City of Port Phillip ruled out the current operator, Mr Neil Croker, whose company has been running the Palais for about nine years. His company is widely respected as having done a very good job running the venue. I would agree, having attended many events at the venue.

The US company Live Nation Australasia Pty Ltd and local company Playbill Venue Management Pty Ltd are the final two tenderers remaining, and the City of Port Phillip was due to make its decision in camera on Tuesday evening. I have no knowledge of what decision was made or indeed whether a decision has been made at all. However, members of the community, and the music industry in particular, have raised concerns about the process and the possibility of the lease being granted to a company that does not know the local area or the heritage and cultural significance of the venue.

I have been concerned for many years about the hands-off approach of successive governments, both Labor and Liberal, with regard to the Palais. I have raised this many times in the Parliament. Over many years governments have let the Palais become so run down that $40 million is now needed to repair and restore it. This could have been avoided with proper maintenance over the years by successive state governments — the government actually owns the Palais, and it should be responsible for its upkeep and maintenance.

The present state government has put in $13.5 million, and the council has put in $7.5 million, but that still leaves $20 million that is needed, as indicated by the assessment, to properly repair and restore the Palais.

The money that is there now is for only urgent repairs and really bringing it up to speed, not really to restore it.

I am also concerned that once again economic considerations may trump cultural, heritage and local considerations and values in this decision about the operation of the Palais. The action that I request of the minister is that she take into account the interests and concerns of the Victorian community and in particular the local music industry when considering any recommendation regarding the operating lease of the Palais Theatre.

REPLY on 16 August 2016:

The Andrews Labor Government appreciates the significant community benefits and enjoyment the Palais Theatre provides to thousands of Victorians every year.

The City of Port Phillip is the Committee of Management for the St Kilda Triangle site, which includes the Palais Theatre, and is responsible for issuing leases over the theatre under relevant legislation.

It is my legislated administrative responsibility to consider the terms and conditions of the lease and, if acceptable, approve the lease. This is not related to the lessee evaluation or selection process.

The Andrews Labor Government has committed $13.4 million to restoration work for the Palais, which will address interior statutory and legislative compliance issues, and improve the exterior appearance of this iconic live entertainment venue.