Adjournment - Student Travel Concessions


MS DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan. The action I seek is that the minister extend travel concession eligibility to all postgraduate students. I have been contacted by a constituent who has raised the issue of the lack of public transport concession for postgraduate students. In this particular instance the student is undertaking studies which are full time. Further to that I am advised that students undertaking these particular degrees are discouraged from working on any part-time basis due to the workload generated by their studies. Because my constituent is undertaking a postgraduate degree, he is not eligible for a public transport concession or other low-income concession supports.

Public Transport Victoria advises that a Victorian public transport student concession or tertiary concession card is not available to students who are enrolled in a masters, doctorate or other postgraduate courses. Other states in Australia do provide concessions to postgraduate students; however, Victoria is lagging behind in terms of its support to people seeking further education via postgraduate studies. My constituent says:

I do not think it is fair or right that I am not eligible for public transport concession as a student, what I am studying is more advanced than an undergraduate degree. It just doesn't make any sense. How am I supposed to have more money than an undergrad student when I have to study three times as much now.

I agree — it does not make any sense, and I urge the minister to take immediate action and extend travel concession eligibility to all postgraduate students in Victoria.