Australian Renewable Energy Agency


MR BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — I am most disturbed to hear about further moves to abolish the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). This is an initiative that was set up by the Greens in conjunction with the Gillard government, and the purpose of it is to invest in those most cutting-edge renewable and other energy technologies in order to move forward that transition as fast as we possibly can. Unfortunately, the Turnbull government has been out to abolish it from the get-go. Even more sadly, in the run-up to the election the Shorten opposition was willing to bank the savings from the abolition of ARENA as part of its own savings. Well, here we are back in a new Parliament and we hear there will now be a bill to try to knock off ARENA again.

This is an organisation that has already invested in over $28 million worth of renewable energy projects here in Victoria, including everything from rooftop microconcentrator solar energy systems to the bioWAVE ocean pilot at Port Fairy. In fact our own state Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change put out a press release almost taking credit for that one. I would not be surprised if Greg Hunt has been doing a lot of the same even as he works to get rid of the body.

Another billion dollars could be cut if this bill passes the federal Parliament. I urge all members here in Victoria who want to improve renewable technology to advocate to their federal colleagues for the retention of ARENA.

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