Bicycle Parking at events


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Tourism and Major Events, John Eren. The action I seek is that the minister ensure that there are enough temporary secure bike parking areas implemented at major events such as White Night Melbourne and the AFL Grand Final in order to accommodate Melbourne's large cycling demographic. The popularity of cycling in Melbourne is ever increasing. With this comes higher demand for cycling facilities and security, especially at large organised events.

The construction of secure temporary bicycle cages and extra bicycle parking areas establishes a greater notion of safety amongst cyclists who are attending these events, as opposed to their leaving bicycles unattended in public areas amongst large crowds of people for prolonged periods of time. Secure bicycle parking areas will not only provide security but also encourage people to ride to these events, easing transport congestion and with that motor vehicle emissions as well. The introduction of extensive bicycle parking areas during festivals, celebrations and major events will allow Melbourne to be a more cycle-friendly city.