Bolton Street, Eltham


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Bolton Street in Eltham has become a traffic sewer. An average of 19 000 vehicles per day use this dilapidated road, which is the preferred connection between Fitzimons Lane and Sherbourne Road. It lacks sealed shoulders, turning lanes, bicycle lanes and proper pedestrian infrastructure. Locals families are seriously concerned about the safety hazard the road creates for students at Eltham High School.

The people of Eltham welcomed the commitment of $10.5 million by the Labor government to fund an upgrade to the road. The first $300 000 of this was used to fund a study by VicRoads into options for the upgrade, including public consultation. This study presented some credible options, but consultants to VicRoads deemed the road unsuitable for declaration as an arterial road. Such a declaration would require VicRoads to take over management and maintenance of the road.

Further transparency around this decision-making process would provide confidence to the people of Eltham and to Banyule City Council and Nillumbik Shire Council as to their maintenance responsibilities once the road is upgraded. The action I seek is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety to revisit the VicRoads determination and declare Bolton Street an arterial road, thereby providing proper status to the road, rather than leaving local government carrying the can for a road that operates as an arterial road.


The State Government has committed $10.5 million (including $300,000 development funding) for the upgrade of Bolton Street between Main Road and Bridge Street in Eltham. 

VicRoads, in consultation with the Banyule City Council, Nillumbik Shire Council and the local community, has commenced planning work and is committed to delivering the upgrade.


Luke Donnelley MP

Minister for Roads and Road Safety