Boris and Lana Zaitsen


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Planning. For six years Boris and Lana Zaitsen have been unable to live in their dream home due to a continuous string of errors experienced at the hands of negligent building operators and the Victorian Building Authority (VBA). Investigations conducted by the VBA have concluded that despite carrying out improvement works they had previously suggested, the premises — I will disclose the address perhaps to the minister rather than on Hansard — in Caulfield North are unfit for habitation and must be demolished. After spending considerable money conducting the VBA-recommended improvement works, the Zaitsens are left with little money to rebuild and without a home.

While a previous response on this matter demonstrated reform to the regulatory process, this does nothing to help the situation the Zaitsens find themselves in through no fault of their own. The action I seek is that the minister offer remedial works or compensation to the Zaitsens as a result of the misinformation provided by the VBA and that he undertake a thorough review of the VBA to address the concerns surrounding their conduct that have been raised by the Zaitsens.