Christine Milne


Mr BARBER (Northern Metropolitan) — In my first speech to Parliament eight and half years ago I paid tribute to the considerable record of Christine Milne and how everything she had achieved had inspired me to be part of the growth of the Greens and to bring myself to this place. Anyone who has dealt with Christine Milne — many politicians from all parties have done that over a period of decades — knows that she is tough, that she is tough-minded, that she has a mind like a steel trap and that she is committed, passionate and relentless. I can assure all members here that her next move will be into the world of global green politics, certainly not into any kind of retirement.

Speaking on behalf of my party room, we are very pleased to see that the new federal Leader of the Greens is Victorian senator Richard Di Natale, and we are delighted to see him being backed up by two very able deputies in Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam.