Coal Seam Gas - Members Statement


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise today to talk about a rally I had the pleasure of attending yesterday in relation to concerns around coal seam gas and the lack of an ambitious renewable energy target. It was extraordinary to be out on the steps of Parliament House with some 300 Victorians. What was extraordinary was the distance that people had travelled to attend that rally yesterday. There were people from as far as Hamilton on the western side of the state to Seaspray, and all had gathered there to try to make their voices heard in relation to stopping coal seam gas.

What I find extraordinary is the number of hours the community has put in to fighting this issue and how terribly concerned they are about our agricultural sector, in which they take enormous pride as a clean and green industry, and also our tourism operators, who are very concerned about the industrialisation of our state when we trade on the beautiful landscapes and vistas that make up Victoria.

To date 70 towns throughout Victoria have declared themselves gas field free. The contribution these people are making in terms of fighting this issue is extraordinary. However, what needs to happen now is for some clarity to be provided to the community into the future. The only way forward is a permanent ban on coal seam gas, because that would ensure an ongoing, viable, vibrant and thriving agricultural and tourism sector. Nothing less than that is satisfactory.