Competitive tender for public transport


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture, representing the Minister for Public Transport. The Auditor-General’s report into rail franchising was tabled in December 2016. The report exposed Public Transport Victoria’s inability to explain why the operators were granted the exclusive right to negotiate. Rather than just rolling over the concessions, will the government open up a competitive tender process or explore the option of bringing public transport back into government hands to get the best outcomes for both passengers and the Victorian taxpayer?

Mr Dalidakis — On a point of order, President, I believe the question was addressed to the Minister for Agriculture. This appears to be a portfolio that is not within agriculture.

The PRESIDENT — Order! The member has directed it to the minister because of the representation of the Minister for Public Transport.

Ms PULFORD (Minister for Agriculture) — I am feeling popular today, but this one is outside of my area of expertise and knowledge and indeed responsibility. The question Ms Dunn asked is to Minister Allan in her capacity as Minister for Public Transport, who of course I represent in this place. I will seek a response to that question from Minister Allan.