Constituency Question - 80m bike lane


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. I have been contacted by a member of my community concerned about the safety and practicality of an 80-metre bike lane on Warrandyte Road in Ringwood adjacent to the Eastland shopping centre off Maroondah Highway. As a local cyclist, my constituent's major concerns are that, firstly, the newly installed 80-metre bike lane is impractical, given cyclists can and must only use it for a few seconds and then have to re-enter traffic. Given the position of the bike lane, this presents an increased safety risk to cyclists. Secondly, the lane does not link with any other bike lanes in the area either, at 80 metres. My question is: will the minister expedite the VicRoads assessment of the bicycle lane as it is currently a safety hazard for cyclists who are brave enough to use this lane?