Constituency Question: Access to Caulfield Racecourse Reserve


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and relates to her announcement that a new independent body with a transparent and modern governance model will be established to manage the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve for the purposes for which it was originally reserved — as a racecourse, for recreation and as a public reserve. This is an outcome which the City of Glen Eira and the local community, in particular the Glen Eira Residents Association and the Glen Eira Environment Group, have long called for. The preferred option of the working group is to establish a separately legislated trust, which could be based on existing models such as the MCG, Melbourne and Olympic Parks or Kardinia Park trusts. My question is: whatever model is used or established, how will the minister ensure that the Glen Eira council and the community are fully involved in improving public access to Caulfield Racecourse Reserve?


ANSWER on 27 October 2016:

The Andrews Labor Government will be introducing new site-specific legislation that will establish a body to manage the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve. It will also be responsible for implementing outstanding recommendations from the Victorian Auditor-General's Report into the 'Management and Oversight of the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve' including those specifically relating to improved public access:

–  to implement a Strategic Land Management Plan (SLMP) that contains clear and measurable objectives that define future land use and development consistent with the purposes of the reserve; and

–  to develop a comprehensive community engagement strategy to identify community needs and the community's views on potential future land use and development priorities.

The timeline for the introduction of new legislation into Parliament is mid-2017 and I look forward to increased community and Glen Eira Council involvement in shaping the management of the reserve so that it better meets the needs of the local community.

In the meantime, new prominent signage has been erected advising the community and visitors of access points to the Reserve and the times that access is permitted.

More formal use of the centre of the race track for community sports will form part of the SLMP development, which will involve community consultation including the City of Glen Eira.