Constituency Question: Australian Grand Prix documents


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — Amongst the piles of secret documents that can never be released to the public about the Australian grand prix that is held in Albert Park every year is one titled An Eventful Year: Economic Impact of the Victorian Major Events Calendar. It is an Ernst & Young and Victorian Major Events Company joint research project of September 2014. My constituency question is to the Minister for Tourism and Major Events. This document was referred to by Mr Ron Walker in his final report as Australian Grand Prix Corporation chairman, where he claimed that the Australian grand prix helps to contribute $1.8 billion to the economy, which I would take great issue with, given that it has cost the Victorian community more than $1 billion in the time it has been run. My question is: will the minister release this document?

ANSWER on 20 October:

The Government is committed to supporting the Victorian Major Events Calendar, which is the envy of the rest of Australia. The Formula One Australian Grand Prix showcases Melbourne on the world stage, raising its profile, encouraging domestic and international tourism and business investment, as well as delivering economic and branding benefits to Victoria.

I am unable to provide a copy of the requested report which is a commercial in confidence document. Its release could detrimentally impact Victoria's competitive position in acquiring and retaining major national and international events.