Constituency Question: Caulfield Racecourse Reserve


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, and it concerns the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve. I have already asked the minister questions about the ongoing lack of transparent governance of this very large area of public land. I was interested to read a recent article in the Sunday Age about the ongoing lack of public access to the public land reserve in the middle of the racecourse, which quoted Mr Southwick, a member of the Legislative Assembly, as agitating for many months for some public access to this land. Interestingly the previous government was not able to improve governance or public access in the four years that it was in government. One of the issues that has been ongoing is the removal of the fencing. My question to the minister is: what progress is being made on the agreed removal of the painted steel fence along Queens Avenue and other parts of the site to open it up to the public?

ANSWER Tabled 24 March 2016:

The Melbourne Racing Club engaged a consultant to assess fencing along the Queens Avenue boundary. The consultant's report found that the fence plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of those involved in the racing industry, visitors and surrounding residents. For this reason, the fencing will be retained.

Use and development of the remainder of the Caulfield Racecourse will be  addressed through the preparation of a Strategic Land Management Plan (SLMP). The SLMP will assist the Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust to identify land to be utilised as public open space and as well as land required for racing purposes in the future. The SLMP process is well advanced with public consultation taking place during 2015.  The community will be invited to provide feedback on the draft SLMP, which will be uploaded on the Trust website: