Constituency question: Elsternwick Park


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Water. In 2015 Bayside City Council announced a proposal to develop sporting facilities at Elsternwick Park. A coalition of community groups convinced the council to undertake a broader consultation, which resulted in the deliberative panel overwhelmingly endorsing an option known as option 1A, which proposes an expanded wetland, flood mitigation, an urban forest and an upgraded oval 2 in its current location. Bayside council officers also recommended option 1A to the Bayside council. Despite this, the council has adopted what is called revised option 5.

Flood mitigation is urgently needed in Elwood, and Elster Creek is the most polluted waterway in Melbourne. My question for the minister is: when is the government and Melbourne Water going to provide advice and financial support for the proposal of a wetland and urban forest in Elsternwick Park?

ANSWER on 23 June 2017:

Melbourne Water provided technical information and advice to the community consultation undertaken by Bayside City Council and is available to provide further advice as Council undertakes future master planning and detailed design of the park improvements.

In addition, Melbourne Water's Living Rivers Program provides funding, expertise and guidance to councils in managing stormwater quality and quantity through an integrated water management approach.