Constituency Question: Gatwick Hotel


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing. On 8 March I asked the minister what he was doing to ensure that the 80 former residents of the Gatwick Hotel had been provided with fit-for-purpose housing.

On 2 May he responded that the government had commissioned St Kilda Community Housing to help current residents move to safe and stable housing over the coming months.

My question for the minister is: has everyone who was a former resident of the Gatwick Hotel been housed, and are there processes in place to ensure that they continue in housing and do not become homeless?

ANSWER on 16 November:

I thank Ms Pennicuik for her question. I am advised that all former residents of the Gatwick Hotel have been provided and are continuing to reside in alternative housing options that suit their needs. This is a great outcome.

After being engaged by the Government, St Kilda Community Housing worked in close partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, City of Port Phillip, City of Stonnington, Port Phillip Housing Association, Launch Housing and Alfred Health in the relocation of all former residents.

Former residents of the Gatwick Hotel continue to be linked into housing, mental health and alcohol and drug support agencies to reduce the risk of further experiences of homelessness.

This year the Government funded the redevelopment of six further social housing rooming houses, including three in the City of Port Phillip, replacing shared living, bathroom and kitchen areas with self-contained accommodation.

This investment builds on the success of the first round of funding in the previous year's Budget where the Labor Government invested $10 million to upgrade three rooming houses in Ascot Vale, Flemington and St Kilda.

This rooming house upgrade program is part of the Government's $799 million in housing and homelessness support. It builds on the $2.1 billion in financial backing as part of Homes for Victorian which will deliver thousands of new social homes.