Constituency Question - Hurstbridge line frequency


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Thank you, Deputy President, and I thank members of the house too. My constituency question is to the Minister for Public Transport. It concerns the government's recent announcement of funding for the duplication of the tracks on the Hurstbridge line. Public transport commuters from both Montmorency and Eltham have contacted me with concerns that the duplication project to Rosanna will only go a small way to increasing service frequencies beyond Greensborough. Track duplication between Heidelberg and Rosanna will only see a slight improvement to the 35-plus minute wait currently faced during peak times. This is the worst frequency during peak periods of any service in metropolitan Melbourne. Currently commuters opt to drive to closer stations which have more frequent services or drive to their next destinations rather than wait a long time for the next service.

My question is: what action will the minister take to ensure access to improved and more frequent services for commuters using the Hurstbridge line of the Eastern Metropolitan stations from Montmorency and Eltham?

Mr Ondarchie — On a point of order, Deputy President, I seek leave of the house to allow Mr Finn to complete his constituency question this afternoon.

Leave granted.