Constituency Question: Kew Residential Services


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Major Projects, who, I understand, took on this portfolio on 23 May. It relates to a question I asked the Minister for Planning on 5 May. At that time he had responsibility for Major Projects Victoria (MPV). My request was that the government not extend the contract with Walker Corporation for the development of Kew Residential Services, except to restore the heritage-listed buildings and parklands in accordance with the current Heritage Victoria permit conditions. The answer the minister gave me on 9 June was:

… MPV is considering whether KDC is entitled to an extension of the project term under the terms of the project agreement, taking into account the status of the project and expert advice.

However, it has come to my attention that in fact the contract was renewed on 27 April and that on 28 April Walker withdrew its appeal to the Heritage Council of Victoria, so my question to the minister is: could you clarify the dates with regard to the extension of this contract and the length of term for which contract has been extended?

ANSWER on 13 October:

Major Projects Victoria (MPV) received a request from Kew Development Corporation Pty Ltd (KDC) to extend the project term of the Kew Residential Services Development Agreement.

On the basis of independent legal advice obtained by MPV, KDC was granted an extension of the project term by 18 months to 27 April 2018.

MPV's agreement to the extension was sent by letter to KDC on 22 June 2016.