Constituency Question: Markham Estate


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Planning. Last Saturday I attended a community information session at Ashburton library staffed by Places Victoria and Department of Health and Human Services officers about the proposed redevelopment of the former Markham public housing estate. Being familiar with this relatively small site of public land, which is approximately 13 house blocks and is adjacent to Gardiners Creek, to remnant grassy woodland, to a community garden and to public open space, I agree with the local community and the Boroondara council that the proposal to replace the demolished 56 public housing units with 190 apartments to be sold on the private market and only 62 new public housing units is a massive overdevelopment on this site. My question to the minister is: with 33 000 applicants for public housing, why is the government putting profits before people and giving over three-quarters of this public land to the private sector instead of taking the opportunity to provide more and better public housing on the Markham estate?

ANSWER on 9 February 2017:

I would like to thank Ms Pennicuik, Member for Southern Metropolitan Region, for her question on the proposed redevelopment of the Markham Housing Estate in Ashburton.

The Department of Health and Human Services has partnered with Places Victoria to deliver the proposal which comprises 62 public housing dwellings and 190 private dwellings. If approved, the proposal would result in a ten per cent increase in public housing on the land.

Places Victoria has requested that I facilitate the redevelopment of the Markham Housing Estate, Ashburton by making a decision on the proposal in 2017. I understand that Places Victoria has been engaging with the local community on the proposal. I have also written to Boroondara City Council seeking its views.

I have not yet made a decision on the matter. In making my decision, I will take into consideration the views of council and the community, as well as all relevant planning matters in the Boroondara Planning Scheme.