Constituency Question - Ruskin Park


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Planning in regard to a request sent to him by Maroondah City Council for a moratorium in the Ruskin Park region of Croydon. Residents and councillors have concerns that developments of more than two dwellings are fundamentally changing the neighbourhood character of the area. However, the strategic work to determine the best location for higher density development is still to be completed via the development of the Maroondah housing strategy, which is currently underway. At this point in time these developments are inconsistent with the existing neighbourhood character study for the Ruskin Park area. My question is: will the minister confirm he accepts and approves the request by Maroondah City Council and its residents that a moratorium be placed on planning permits for more than two dwellings in the general residential zone in the area known as Ruskin Park, bounded by Hull Road, Ruskin Avenue, Mount Dandenong Road and the municipal boundary of Maroondah City Council until such time as the council has completed the Maroondah housing strategy?


I understand that Council is in the process of reviewing Maroondah's Housing Strategy and this is expected to be completed towards the middle of 2016.

I acknowledge that there is community concern from the residents in Maroondah about the rate of development that is occurring in the area. However, I do not support a moratorium on planning permits within the Rusking Park area. I believe the best way forward is to expedite the housing strategy so that an amendment process can follow to implement the appropriate planning controls, particularly for Ruskin Park. A public amendment process will provide the rigour and tests to ensure tht the controls proposed for this area are appropriate. Until the Maroondah Housing Strategy is completed, Council should continue to consider new planning permit applications against the relevant provisions of the Maroondah Planning Scheme. 

I encourage Council to engage with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (the Department) for any future amendments affecting the Ruskin Park area. Where possible, the Department will assist any amendment to implement the housing strategy by expediting the authorisation process as well as by pre-setting panel dates for the amendment. 

I look forward to hearing further from Council once it has completed its housing strategy.

Minister for Planning