Constituency Question: Truck Curfew Port Phillip Bay


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it concerns the truck curfew along Port Phillip Bay and refers to a letter that was copied to me and that was sent to the minister on 13 September this year. That was a letter further to another letter sent by the Inner South Metropolitan Mayors Forum to the minister on 21 September 2015. State route 33 goes through Bay Street in Port Melbourne and along the Nepean Highway and winds its way past playgrounds, lifesaving clubs et cetera and Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary. The Inner South Metropolitan Mayors Forum would like the truck curfew along that route extended from 8.00 p.m. Friday through to 6.00 a.m. on Monday and for a compliance regime to be implemented. My question is: will the minister support this call by the mayors forum for the extended truck curfew along that route?

Answer on 24 November 2016:

I acknowledge that the issue of heavy vehicles along the Beach Road corridor is causing some concern to the local community with regard to safety and health. To further clarify, the existing truck curfews are in operation from 8pm to 6am Monday to Saturday and from 1pm Saturday to 6am Monday.

VicRoads advised me that it has collected data using camera technology to identify truck movements along Beach Road between Bay Street and Glen Huntly Road. This data is currently being validated using other data to provide clarity on truck movements and the compliance with the existing curfews.

This data will be used to assess the impact of any proposed changes to truck curfews and to further target enforcement of the existing curfews. This will be undertaken in partnership with stakeholders including councils, the community and the transport industry, as we work towards finding a balance that meets the needs of truck operators and the local community.