Constituency Question: Zebra crossing in South Melbourne


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My constituency question this afternoon is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it is in regard to the zebra crossing at the corner of Kings Way and Park Street in South Melbourne. I have received an email from a constituent who has described that zebra crossing as very dangerous, and I agree. Motorists turning left into Park Street from Kings Way city-bound regularly do not see the zebra crossing and almost hit pedestrians, and my constituent is concerned that someone will be injured on that crossing soon. I am familiar with the crossing myself. Of course Kings Way is a very busy road. It is a left-turn area that is carved off, and the zebra crossing is very, very difficult to see. So my constituency question to the minister is: will he arrange for that whole intersection, and particularly the zebra crossing, to be reassessed for safety?

Answer on 1 May 2018:

VicRoads has investigated this matter and identified that modifications to the Kings Way and Park Street intersection will occur as part of the Melbourne Metro Rail Authority's (MMRA) Network Enhancement Project. This includes the following changes at the south west corner of the intersection and to the existing zebra crossing:

–  Signage improvements to raise awareness of the pedestrian crossing as motorists approach it; and

–  Reduction in the width of the left turn slip lane from Kings Way into Park Street, to decrease the speed of vehicles approaching the zebra crossing.

VicRoads has advised that these improvements were completed by early March 2018, to create a safer walking environment for pedestrians using this crossing.