Constituency questions: MIRVAC


Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is for the Premier. Over the summer residents of the Waverley Park housing estate finally got to read the committee report that the government has been sitting on for most of the last year — the committee report that recommended that the original 2002 planning approval be amended to allow the developer, Mirvac, to avoid its obligation to move the powerlines underground. Residents had bought into the estate on the basis of that planning condition, which was also reflected in their contracts of sale. Nine days before the last election the member for Mulgrave, now the Premier, promised that Labor would continue to fight for Mirvac to put the powerlines underground, but the Labor government has meekly accepted the recommendation of a three-member planning committee to alter a 14-year-old planning condition. My question is: is this what the Premier meant when he promised to fight for the residents of Waverley Park?