Cycling Safety Members Statement


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — This week has been declared the fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week in order to focus attention on standalone target 3.6 of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, specifically:

By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.

This target was adopted by Australia and 192 countries and parties in September 2015.

There has been insufficient effort on the part of the Victorian government in reducing deaths of cyclists on Victoria’s roads. There have been five cyclist deaths so far this year, and it is only May. Over the April–May period there were three cyclist deaths on Victoria’s roads that involved a motor vehicle: in Yarraville a mother of two was hit by a truck, in Benalla a bicycle touring enthusiast was hit from behind by a car and in Pakenham a father of five was struck by a ute.

This death toll is needless. It leaves children without parents. It leaves friends bereft. It leaves communities without leaders. It is well past time that the Victorian government did more to protect vulnerable road users. The Victorian government is now alone in opposing minimum passing distance laws. Every other state has either put the laws into force, trialled them or pledged to support them.

This week I will be reintroducing minimum passing distance legislation into this place. I implore members to support this bill and help prevent cyclist deaths on our roads.