Doncaster and Rowville Heavy Rail Lines


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — The Victorian Greens were happy to support the bill that established Infrastructure Victoria in September 2015, because investment in infrastructure, particularly public transport infrastructure, has been neglected in this state. At the time we recognised that Victoria needed an independent authority that used a triple-bottom-line approach. However, the Greens are concerned that in its report All Things Considered Infrastructure Victoria has stated that Doncaster and Rowville heavy rail lines should be excluded from the 30-year plan. It has done this on a flimsy evidence basis, which is limited to summaries of feasibility studies and a couple of blog posts on Crikey.

Infrastructure Victoria has ignored the mountain of information that supports the Doncaster and Rowville heavy rail lines, including but not limited to studies commissioned by local governments in Melbourne's east, analysis conducted by the Public Transport Users Association and the full feasibility studies conducted by Public Transport Victoria and its predecessor agency. The community has long called for the Doncaster and Rowville heavy rail lines to be built. Swathes of the eastern suburbs have no access to heavy rail, and only the Doncaster and Rowville heavy rail lines can meet this shortfall in service provision. The Greens implore the government to ensure Infrastructure Victoria takes full consideration of the community's views and the existing evidence base to ensure Doncaster and Rowville rail lines get the informed consideration they deserve and are included in the 30-year infrastructure plan for Victoria.