Dr John Kaye


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — Greens New South Wales MLC Dr John Kaye died this week from cancer. The Australian Greens, and especially the New South Wales Greens, have lost a much-loved and respected colleague of enormous energy and strength of commitment to the many causes he championed throughout his life. John was a truly principled person. He was highly regarded by people from all sides of politics for his great intellect and for his consistency and integrity. John was a pioneer of, expert in and strong advocate for sustainable energy. He was a fierce defender of public schools and TAFE. It is due in no small part to his relentless efforts that these issues remain at the forefront of public debate beyond New South Wales. Everyone who knew John was amazed at how much he seemed to be able to fit into a day.

I first met John around 15 years ago. We worked together on Greens policy at the national level and on many campaigns — on public education and TAFE in particular. I learnt so much from John, and I always enjoyed his company because in addition to the intellectual conversations he was warm, sociable and very funny. John always had time for people. He was a generous mentor to many people and groups, and he often travelled to other states to support their local campaigns.

We have all lost a dear friend. Along with my Victorian colleagues I extend our thoughts and sympathies to his partner, Lynne, to his family and to the many, many friends and colleagues who were part of his life and who will miss him very much.