Fire season preparedness


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise to speak on the interim report from the environment and planning committee on the inquiry into fire season preparedness and just to make a few comments because, as Ms Bath indicated, the final report will be coming next year, which probably reflects the enormous amount of work that this particular committee reference has generated in terms of the complexities around fire preparedness for the state and the approach undertaken by agencies in relation to preventative burning. The committee certainly heard a lot of evidence to support the move away from a blunt, target-based approach to fuel reduction burning across the state to a risk framework. It has been interesting to see the evidence in relation to that. Unfortunately, to my mind, there probably has not been adequate exploration in relation to issues around ecological damage. It is unfortunate that much of the committee's time seems to have been used in a way that did not actually meet the terms of reference of the inquiry. That is frustrating because I do not think it does the inquiry justice.

I would like to thank the team that supports the work of the committee, particularly in relation to this inquiry; it has been far-reaching. We have travelled the length and breadth of the state and been supported by some very dedicated staff here in the Parliament. I look forward to speaking further on this when the final report comes out next year.