Garbage Science from the Native Timber Industry


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I have spoken in this place a good many times about the sound and irrefutable science pertaining to the proper management of Victoria's precious forests. Today I rise to talk about the contrast between good science and science that is garbage. Last Saturday I hosted a community forest forum in Eastern Metropolitan Region at which prominent forest research scientist Dr Chris Taylor was joined by the eminent Dr Bob Brown.

This forum was graciously hosted by the Blackburn Bowls Club, a club, I might add, that is very proud to operate pokie machine free and has declared it never will have pokies on site.

At this forum good and irrefutable evidence was forwarded as to why native forest logging should cease in Victoria and why the Great Forest National Park should be created. During this forum an industry group placed leaflets under the windscreen wipers of cars parked in the car park. The name of this group is the Institute of Foresters of Australia. The very act of leafleting cars is illegal in this state, as it is an act of littering in contravention of section 45N of the Environment Protection Act 1970. Native forest logging is exempt from environmental protection laws. Ironically, this act of propagating junk science, native logging industry-sponsored pseudoscience, violated the laws that the industry has immunity from.

I commend the proper work of credible individuals and organisations such as Dr Chris Taylor and the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University. I look forward to a time when our forests are valued for their air, carbon, water, biodiversity and intrinsic beauty.