Government delay on minimum passing distance


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — We are nearing six months since the Economy and Infrastructure Committee tabled the final report of its inquiry into the Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill 2015. The report includes common-sense recommendations on how to implement practical, enforceable laws coupled with community education to ensure understanding of and abidance with the law.

The recommendations were informed by experience in other jurisdictions interstate and overseas. Since the report was handed down two cyclists have died in Melbourne and one has died in rural Victoria. This tragically highlights that cyclists continue to be vulnerable users of our state's roads.

There is broad support for these laws from cyclist advocacy groups, motorist groups, policy specialists and law enforcement agencies. The current situation of leaving safe minimum passing distances undefined is simply inadequate and dangerous. It is well beyond time that the Andrews government act and pass the Greens' Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Overtaking Bicycles) Bill. The Greens will continue to work with cycling groups and the community to push for these laws to be put in place.