Level Crossings


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Many residents who live along the Frankston rail line are concerned about the impact of eight level crossing removal projects, particularly the proposals for grade separation by elevating rail tracks. The Bayside communities along the line from Cheltenham to Frankston are united in their wish to avoid a repeat of the token consultations along the CranbournePakenham line when communities were presented with completed project designs and given limited opportunities for feedback.

Local communities know that genuine consultation means that all technically feasible options remain on the table. It is therefore alarming that the Labor government already has preferred options ahead of conducting community consultations. This would appear to be leading to a repeat of the strident approach taken on the CranbournePakenham line.

The removals at Frankston and Carrum provide elevated rail options only. The current lack of transparency in regard to these decisions is causing unnecessary community concern. The community does not need another artful rendering of train stations loaded up on the Premier’s Facebook page. This time the Labor government needs to have a meaningful discussion with the community about why elevated rail is needed at specific sites. Labor and the Level Crossing Removal Authority must learn from past mistakes and provide clear, accurate and timely information about all works on the Frankston line. This must include information and evaluations related to any tree removal, environmental impacts and the protection of heritage areas. Labor must ensure local communities can determine their own futures with genuine consultation and the opportunity to provide meaningful input.