Local Government Elections


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Representation on local government is an admirable means to contributing to the public good. Local government is not just about roads, rates and rubbish. If well led, local government can be responsive to the full array of community needs and transform a city or rural community to a better place to live, work, recreate and raise a family.

As a party, the Victorian Greens are proud of our local government councillors. Unlike old parties' candidates, which generally fail to declare their party affiliation and falsely declare to be independent of party politics, Greens councillors are proud to be green and imbue the values and aspirations of our party.

In the local government elections of 2012 we were fortunate to have 18 Greens elected. They have served their communities with distinction. On behalf of the Victorian Greens I would like to thank the following, who have declared they will not be seeking re-election, for their tireless service to their communities: councillors Helen Harris, Sam Gaylard, Sue Wasterval, Eve Fisher and Lenka Thompson. I also would like to thank the following Greens councillors for their tireless service to their municipalities and wish them all the best in the elections that are currently underway: councillors Cathy Oke, Rohan Leppert, Bronwen Machin, Trent McCarthy, Samantha Ratnam, Amanda Stone, Misha Coleman, Matthew Kirwan, Belinda Coates, Thomas Sounness and Stephen Hart.