Manningham Bus Services


My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Public Transport. Buses are an essential service within Manningham City Council and the broader Eastern Metropolitan Region, which I represent. For most long-suffering residents, buses are the only form of public transport available to them. Efficient, safe and frequent buses also develop strong interconnected communities by providing access to other essential services such as health and education, employment, community organisations, arts, cultural, sporting or social events.

The minister abandoned plans to increase the frequency and efficiency of Manningham's buses in April of this year. At the time she stated that any improvement would assist all Victorians. Since then no time frame has been given on any improvements to bus services. Even more astonishingly no public commitment has been made to any such improvements. Public Transport Victoria could not say when such details would be available, only that it is working with the government on a 'revised bus proposal'.

And as the days turn to weeks and the weeks turn to months, the residents of Manningham have had enough. They are demanding to know when the government will be announcing improvements to this ailing part of the bus network. The action I request on behalf of the constituents of Eastern Metropolitan Region is that the minister release funding for the long-awaited improvements to Manningham's bus services.