Member statement - PTUA Petition


Ms DUNN: I want to talk about a petition I received yesterday online from the Public Transport Users Association and Public Transport Not Traffic. It calls on the government to construct the port rail shuttle project. In a very short period of time 424 Victorians have signed this petition, and they recognise in signing it that without immediate investment in freight on rail more and more heavy trucks will be clogging suburban streets, costing billions in wasted time and condemning local communities to increased diesel and noise pollution. It is also worth noting in relation to the port rail shuttle project that there are 34 organisations that have formally supported in some way this project going ahead and advocated publicly for that. Those organisations are the Australian Logistics Council, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Australian Paper, the Australian Peak Shippers Association, the Australasian Railway Association, Avalon 2020, the Container Transport Alliance Australia, the Committee for Dandenong, the Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia, Fonterra Australia, Frankston City Council, the Freight and Trade Alliance, Greater Dandenong City Council, Habitat Trust, Latrobe City Council, LeadWest, Maersk Line, Maribyrnong City Council, the Maribyrnong Truck Action Group, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council, Port Phillip Conservation Council, Public Transport Not Traffic, the Public Transport Users Association, Qube Logistics, the Rail Freight Alliance, Southern Shorthaul Railroad and the South East Melbourne Manufacturers Alliance. I am going to run out of time to read those last ones out, but that is a good slice of them.