Member’s Statement – Casey and Crime


I would like to respond to the vast number of emails members have received in the form of a petition about a perceived crime wave sweeping the Casey municipality. It is true that the latest crime statistics data does show an increase in the last year in some offence categories in Casey, in particular theft, robberies and burglaries.

The petition has been drafted by Casey City Council, and it calls for some truly extraordinary measures, including the internationally illegal deportation of dual citizens who commit criminal offences.

This is very unfortunate because Casey City Council has missed an opportunity to show real leadership here. Instead Casey council has succumbed to the populist temptation to stoke the fires of ignorance, racism and bigotry with its misguided and divisive petition.

People in Casey do have concerns, especially given the sensationalist nonsense they are reading in the Herald Sun about the so-called Apex gang of youths when official crime statistics clearly show that people under 25 are not responsible for the increase in reported offending across the state.

Local, state and federal governments must show leadership by implementing evidence-based policies that work to both reduce offending and build a more cohesive and safer community.