Members Statement: Elsternwick Park Redevelopment


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan)  — On Saturday, 17 February, I attended a public gathering organised by the Elsternwick Park Coalition. I spoke at the event; Bayside councillor Laurie Evans was in attendance along with councillors Tim Baxter, Katherine Copsey and Dick Gross from the City of Port Phillip; and the Liberal candidate for Brighton was also in attendance and spoke. The public gathering was to demonstrate public support for what is known as option 1A for an expanded wetland and urban forest in Elsternwick Park north. A large crowd of local people turned out to show their support for option 1A, which also includes an upgrade to the existing oval. A survey by the Bayside council found that there is majority support for this option — around 60 per cent of residents support option 1A and only 40 per cent support all the rest of the options.

This is a unique opportunity to re-create an urban wetland and an oasis in metropolitan Melbourne. I would like to congratulate the members of the Elsternwick Park Coalition for their tireless efforts in advocating for an expanded wetland and urban forest in Elsternwick Park.