Members statement: Human Rights Law Centre


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — Last Friday, 3 June, I was pleased to attend the Human Rights Law Centre 10th anniversary fundraising dinner. Also present were Ms Patten, Greens senators Sarah Hanson-Young and Janet Rice, the Victorian equal opportunity and human rights commissioner Kristen Hilton, members of the judiciary and the legal community and many other supporters of the Human Rights Law Centre. The centre is a very special organisation, which has been pivotal in defending human rights in Australia.

It was inspiring to hear the executive director, Hugh de Kretser, speak about the work of the wonderful staff of the centre and its 10 years of impact on issues such as the rights of asylum seekers and prisoners, marriage equality, the over-representation of Aboriginal people in custody and so many others. A frank and moving keynote address was delivered by Stan Grant — on Mabo Day — about the challenges facing us all to overcome the discrimination, injustice and inequities that are still part of the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in this country.