Members Statement - Jenny Saulwick


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — Sadly I rise today to talk of the passing of one of the founding members of the Victorian Greens, Jenny Saulwick. Jenny passed away last week. Not only was Jenny instrumental in the foundation of the Victorian Greens, but she was an incredibly active community member as well. She played a pivotal role in setting up the Dandenong Ranges community art space, which is now known as Burrinja. The arts was one of her passions, but of course the environment was another passion. Her most recent project was around tackling the weed issue in the Dandenong Ranges. She was a powerhouse of energy in the community. She was very well known. In fact she was our first candidate for the Assembly seat of Monbulk 22-odd years ago, if my memory serves me correctly. She will be sorely missed in our community, and I pay tribute to her and pay respect to her family and friends.