Members statement: Orlando shootings, Jo Cox and violence against women


Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — Like everyone, I have been deeply affected by the events of the past 10 days. Firstly, there was the horrific killing of 49 people and wounding of 53 at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, which is difficult to comprehend. Ms Hartland and I attended Victoria's show of solidarity with Orlando at Federation Square last week. My heart goes out to the families and friends of those who lost their lives and to those who have been wounded or otherwise affected by this terrible event.

The death of Jo Cox, a member of the British Parliament and tireless campaigner for human rights and a better world, is an awful and shocking tragedy. It is devastating that an MP could be killed just going about her work in her electorate. I fully agree with the statements made in here yesterday about Mrs Cox by Ms Hartland, Ms Springle, Ms Symes, Ms Pulford and Dr Carling-Jenkins, and I extend my sympathies to her family, friends and parliamentary colleagues who paid tribute to her in Parliament yesterday.

The events of the past 10 days have brought home just how important what we say and how we behave, both as individuals and as a community, and the tone and conduct of debate in society are in providing the framework within which others speak and behave. Those who are leaders or role models have a responsibility to understand this and act accordingly. Otherwise, dire consequences can result. That is why three high-profile males saying they would hold a woman under water and 'What do you reckon, guys?' is ugly and not a joke. Some men actually do this to women, not as a joke but to terrorise them. It is this type of comment, heard all over the country every day and too easily brushed off, that legitimises putting women and girls down and assaulting them in the street and in the home. We all need to call it out whenever we hear it or any other comments that disparage people based on sex, sexuality, gender identity, ethnicity or religious belief.