Members Statement: Standing Committee on Legal and Social Issues


Ms SPRINGLE (South Eastern Metropolitan) — Since we last sat in this chamber, members of the Standing Committee on Legal and Social Issues end‑of‑life choices inquiry participated in a study tour of overseas jurisdictions that have laws allowing for various models of assisted dying, including the Netherlands, Switzerland, Montreal, Ottawa and Oregon.

Through an extensive schedule of meetings with stakeholders, including medical associations, right‑to‑die organisations, bioethicists, palliative care operators, hospices, departments of health and justice, academic researchers, lawyers, educators, advocates, legislators, doctors, nurses and other health‑care professionals, we were offered a level of insight and understanding into this area that could never have been achieved otherwise. I am of the opinion that any recommendations produced from this inquiry will be the better for it. I would like to thank the Parliament for this opportunity and for its commitment to evidence‑based, thorough investigations, which I hope will translate into findings that reflect not only best practice but a model that suits the cultural context for the Victorian people.

I would also like to offer my profound thanks to our amazing secretariat team without whose tireless work we would not do this topic any justice. In particular I would like to acknowledge Lilian Topic, whose guidance through not only this trip but the entire inquiry has been nothing short of excellent. Lastly I would like to commend my fellow committee members, who have brought a tremendous amount of goodwill to our investigations and engaged thoroughly and meaningfully with the issue.