Mildura Rail Services


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Regional Development. The NorthWest Rail Alliance has been calling for the past seven years for the reinstatement of passenger rail services to Mildura. This group has over 2000 supporters in Mildura and nearby areas that see passenger rail as the only viable public transport option for many people in the region, particularly seniors, people with disabilities and people with low incomes. Yes, there are buses between Mildura and Melbourne; however, they are cramped to the extent that some passengers experience severe discomfort. Yes, there are commercial passenger flights, but they are too expensive and are often full if required at short notice. Nothing beats the price, level of service and comfort of a V/Line train.

In the Sunraysia Daily of Saturday, 3 December, the Minister for Regional Development was reported as saying:

The community made it very clear to us that the no. 1 priority was the airport project …

Therefore the state government would not be supporting the recommencement of passenger rail services to Mildura.

How has the minister come to this conclusion? It cannot be from the Infrastructure Victoria 30-year plan, because that process did not consult with anyone in the Mildura area. It cannot be from dedicated consultations in Mildura, because locals report that no such process took place. I call on the minister to take action, consult with the people of the Mildura area and redirect the state government's attention to reinstating passenger rail services to Mildura.