Monash and Eastern freeways noise reduction


Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. I rise to speak on behalf of the communities of Eastern Metropolitan Region, in particular residents who live near the Monash and Eastern freeways, about excessive noise levels.

There is evidence to show that excessive noise can adversely affect health and quality of life. Currently VicRoads has a noise attenuation standard of 68 decibels for these freeways, which is far lower than the standard VicRoads demands from new freeways and roads, at 63 decibels. Further, the current noise attenuation policy states that noise measurements are to be taken at the ground level. This policy fails to recognise that many residents sleep on the first floor, where noise levels are generally higher.

The time period adopted for the analysis of VicRoads noise surveys on the Monash Freeway corresponds to the period between 6.00 a.m. and midnight. However, that neglects the time period between midnight and 6.00 a.m., when most people are sleeping and noise may affect them. In 2015 VicRoads commenced a review of its Traffic Noise Reduction Policy. A discussion paper was released by VicRoads in August 2015. To date no results have been released from this review, leaving residents to wonder if they will ever get a decent night’s sleep.

Will the minister release the results of the VicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy review, cap noise levels from the Monash and Eastern freeways to a maximum of 63 decibels to ensure policy consistency with new roads and ensure that noise levels are measured at first floor level as well as ground floor level and that those measures are taken at any time of the day or night?