Northern Metropolitan Region


Question asked by:     Mr Barber

Directed to:                 Minister for Education

Asked on:                    25 May 2016


Two new relocatable buildings are being installed to relieve enrolment pressure at North Melbourne Primary School. These buildings will provide teachers and students with modern learning environments, and deliver the facilities necessary for a first-class education.

The Andrews Government is aware that some local residents have raised concerns about the loss of vegetation during building works. I am advised that the Victorian School Building Authority has consulted with the school regarding the logistics of installing the new buildings, and together have examined a number of options to try and retain as much vegetation as possible. Although a small number of trees have been removed to install the buildings, a landscaping package is part of the detailed planning around this project. This package includes planting four mature trees elsewhere on site and developing plans for a sensory garden. The school principal has been consulted with, and is highly supportive of this approach.

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