Premier Andrews lacks transparency on Western Distributor


Members Statement: For the past year I have been urging the Andrews government to reveal critical information regarding the proposed western distributor toll road. Despite the community's desperation for more transparency, the government has repeatedly refused my and the community's requests. I have in fact asked for documents via this house and through FOI, but I was forced to go through an expensive and time-consuming process through the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). A few weeks ago VCAT delivered its decision in favour of the government and its secret agenda.

It is very disappointing to see this lack of transparency from Premier Andrews. It shows, I believe, very little regard for the community. It is also incredibly hypocritical, considering it was only two years ago that Premier Andrews as opposition leader was calling for greater transparency regarding the east–west link when the previous government also refused to reveal vital information to the community. It is clear, unfortunately, that when it comes to the western distributor Premier Andrews has got something to hide. The community needs to know what exactly this project is going to deliver. The government claims it will take 6000 trucks off the roads each day but has not actually bothered at this stage to tell us how that will happen.