Protect children playing sport from Western Distributor diesel trucks


Question in Parliament: My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. The government has now released its western distributor reference design. This shows the proposed route for truck off-ramps to Hyde Street. On the southern side of the freeway the proposed ramp would run alongside the Donald McLean Reserve, which already has a very slim buffer of green space between the existing exit ramp and the oval.

The design shows the truck off-ramp would be 1.3 metres higher than the West Gate Freeway and 8.85 metres above the Williamstown Road exit ramp. This would create a visual eyesore and bring more diesel truck pollution alongside the sports oval.

My question for the minister is: how far towards the oval will this elevated truck ramp encroach, and what noise, amenity and pollution protections will be provided to protect children playing on the sports fields?